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ЗарегистрироватьсяБыла на сайте вчера в 20:00
Женщина, 41 год, родилась 30 декабря 1983
Рассматривает предложения
Москва, готова к переезду, готова к командировкам
Trade-marketing manager, Е-commerce
300 000 ₽ на руки
- Менеджер по маркетингу, интернет-маркетолог
- Менеджер по работе с партнерами
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа
Опыт работы 12 лет 8 месяцев
Июнь 2021 — по настоящее время
3 года 10 месяцев
Philips Domestic appliances
Электроника, приборостроение, бытовая техника, компьютеры и оргтехника... Показать еще
Trade & Shopper Marketing manager, E-commerce
- Manage COOP and BTL Budget and fulfill BTL requirement of CMM, sales and category management;
- To gain month/quarter/year sell-out plan per assigned product categories;
- Monitor and improve in-store execution including competitive intelligence at field level;
- Identify and develop retailer insights and shopper insights in priority channels/customers in priority categories with CMM and Sales;
- Translate retailer insights and shopper insights into actionable business opportunities;
- Provide shopper input in the development of marketing plan with CMM and Account plan with KAM;
- Define and prioritize channel based on shoppers insights, aligning it with distribution strategy;
- Classify and prioritize stores based on channel definition with Sales team;
- Develop complex solution for different types of online shops for priority categories, including online merchandising, recommendations from product matrix for cross-sell and up-sell, form recommendation on assortment and pricing segmentation;
- Build key account marketing plan jointly with KAM and CMM for partner key accounts;
- Develop and execute customer specific activities with KAM ( promotion, secondary placement, demonstration, retailer's fair and events);
- Create joint shopper marketing program with priority customers with KAM;
- Lead in the development of BTL portion in integrated marketing communication campaign;
- Evaluate promotion effectiveness;
- To participate in S&OP process, taking into consideration promo-activities in retail;
- Prepare competitors promo benchmarks on regular basis;
- To execute other tasks assigned by TSM lead, required by business needs.
Successful launch of product cards improvement project for gender holidays in the same guidelines (OZON, Wildberrries, Yandex market) for Q1 & Q3
Q1 Sell-out target for OZON 1p & Wildberries (1p+3p) successfully achieved (120%)
Q2 Sell-out target for OZON 1p & Wildberries (1p+3p) successfully achieved (125%)
- Annual Sell-out target were achieved on 95%
- Stable results of cooperation with WB(1p+3p)&OZON 1p:
- no delays by COOP documents.
- no delays with sell-out reports from partners
- effective budget's waste from annual target - as a result - sell-out & sell-in targets were achieved on 95%
During the transition period and adaptation to new market conditions, I supported colleagues from another region (APAC)
1) sales of the region for 2021 and 2022 were analyzed;
2) the main problem points were shown;
3)provided the main focus points and partners for sales development based on colleagues requests;
4)new approaches to the formation of a product split in channels are proposed.
August 2022- October 2022 - Successfully fulfilling the duties of a category trade marketing manager for the coffee category;
November 2022 to present - - successful transition to new partners (OZON, Wildberries)
2021 (Q3-Q4 results)
1. Espresso
Despite of constrains in Espresso category and according to right assortment, price, distribution strategy between channels we provided sell-out growth trend from Q2 to Q4:
Q2 - 47 M
Q3 - 51,6 M ( +8% vs Q2)
Q4 - 70 M ( +37% vs Q3)
We' have discovered big potential for mid-end a high-end segment sell out in Citilink, as a results is successful sales start of Saeco SM series:
36w-51w TTL sell out below:
SM6480/00 - 68 pcs
SM6580/10 - 128 pcs
SM6585/00 - 61 pcs
TTL Saeco sell out weight is 22% of the total sell out of Philips coffee machines in Citilink&Holodilnik (Q4)
2. Floor care
Despite the difficult situation in the category, we've got positive trend in Q4 2022 vs Q4 2021 + 19%
So we will try to prolong the same strategy in 2022 and will focus on bagless and sticks and try to get good shares thanks to promotions of this subcategories.
Thanks to our analytics of assortment in partner we achieved to open in DG for our partners 2 new stick models
Q4 FC share target plan min - 5,6%
Q4 FC share (40w-51w) - 5,7%
3. Garment care
We' have discovered big potential for garment care for all this category, so we developed this category as much as possible in Q3-Q4, as a result is:
+ 35% sell-out growth YtY
+ 47% sell-out growth Q3-Q4 2020 vs 2021
+ 80% sell-out growth Q4 2020 vs 2021
Q4 GC target share - stretch target - 29,1%
Q4 GC share (40w-51w) - 30,1%
4. Kitchen appliances
Kitchen category wasn't focus on. in 2021 and the 1HY as well, despite of this points, constraints in Q3, YtY sell out growth -14%, thanks to focus on this in Q3 - we've got positive trends as below:
+1% sell out growth Q3-Q4 2020vs2021
+28% sell out growth Q4 2020vs2021
Q4 KA target share - on target 7,8%
Q4 KA share (40w-51w) - 10,2%
Март 2020 — Февраль 2021
1 год
Москва, www.realme.com/ru/
Розничная торговля... Показать еще
Trade Marketing manager
- Participation in the planing and coordination of marketing activities and their highlighting with partners of the company;
- Interaction with suppliers, coordination of prices, negotiations and payment control;
- Branding control, design and image in accordance with company standarts;
- Organization, planning and implementation of promotional events, assesment of events;
- Preparation of promotional materials and gifts for customers;
- Sales development of tasks on POSM;
- Monitoring the implementation of agreed marketing activities, a retrospective analysis of their effectiveness;
- successful launch of 7 new products on the russian market (Co-marketing support at the key retailers);
- successful organization of Сo- marketing support for key campaigns of the realme brand with key retailers like BTS, BF, several summer activities ( 10 main campaignes in total);
- was prepared a pilot project for branding 100 stores of one of the key federal retailers;
- prepared and implemented a scheme of interaction with the financial department from registration of investments to payments to the client.
Март 2014 — Март 2020
6 лет 1 месяц
Россия, www.nikon.ru
СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование... Показать еще
Trade marketing specialist
Co-promotions for dealers:
- Monthly analisys of key dealers in-house share and perform TM activities only for Federal Retailers and NPD dealers.
- Monitor and analyze competitive activities offline and online.
- Finalize the upgrade of Nikon-club.ru
Federal promotions:
- Agree with key dealers offline and online support
- Control the placement of all advertising materials and POSM.
- Control the stock needed for promotions.
- Control the situation in shops on weekly basis. - Collect end-customers and dealers feedback.
Control of sales expenses for all dealers:
- Send all needed allocations/provisions to Sales Expenses Controller after 24 hours of approval.
- Careful check of all dealers' expenses and rest of provisions.
- Provide recommendations for optimization of expenses
Stock&sale analysis:
- Include promotion effectiveness in S&S report or any kind of file connected to sell-out data.
- Include this file to weekly TM report.
New product launches:
- Agree online and ofline support for new cameras launches.
- Perform co-promotions and in-store events with top federal retailers;
Documents for dealers (bonuses, stock-pro, marketing activities):
- Prepare documents for bonuses
- Check received documenst for all kind of promotions from dealers
-Control the signing and transferring to accountant for payment
- organized 101 co-promotions with regional dealers ( June-august 2014);
- organized the production distribution and delivery of 3 new catalogs ( cameras, lenses, сomparative tables for cameras);
- organized 112 co - promotions with regional dealers and federal retailers ( October 2016 - February 2017);
- launched of new type of motivation program for the shop assistants ( NPD dealers);
- launched trade- in promo;
- approved and realizing promo plan for federal retailers ( summer period);
- prepared draft version for crm promo in cooperation with marketing department;
- prepared draft version of new motivation program for shop assistants.
Декабрь 2013 — Март 2014
4 месяца
Москва, tvoydom.ru/
Marketing communications manager
- Coordinates the implementation of the in-store communication in the TK TVOY DOM: navigation, advertising campaigns, BTL activities and special projects - according to the communications strategy for TK TVOY DOM;
- Accepts applications from the administration, controls the implementation in the store, according to the brand-book and communication strategy;
- Coordinates the implementation of the Big Red Rooster concept for the design of the TK TVOY DOM;
- Conducts projects on design (interior decoration), audio design of TK (in-store radio) and navigation;
- Control the timing of preparation, production and provision of POSM;
- Control the location of all POSM in-store outside and parking territory;
-Receives and pre-processes applications for the placement of promotional materials from suppliers, based on a single price list for advertising opportunities;
-Interaction with the administration and the commercial department for the preparation and implementation of promotional activities;
-Coordinate the documentation on advertising projects of TC (prompt agreement of contracts, control of payments, availability of closing documents) interaction with the legal department and accounts department;
-Organizes and conducts tenders (interior decoration, souvenir products, etc.)
-Preparation of analytical and other information and requests management needs
-Realized new in store navigation concept for TVOY DOM ;
-Realized new scheme of in store support for Gender holidays;
-Realized cross sales project for several departments: building, tools, bathroom;
-Prepared the proposal for services and service communication;
- prepared the draft version of in store and out store navigation for 2 new stores;
-prepared the new concept for lighting.
Май 2013 — Сентябрь 2013
5 месяцев
Москва, www.obi.ru
Розничная торговля... Показать еще
In store marketing communications manager trainee
-Ensures the conformity of OBI stores interior and exterior design according to the Company guidelines;
- Identifies the needs of each store for purchasing new materials for POS communication and organizes their placement within the store;
- Price communication procedure: in store organization and control of implementation – formats and templates;
- Optimization of in-store navigation for each store;
- The selection of suppliers for in-store and out-of-store design, negotiations with suppliers to get of the best conditions for the Company;
- Controls the proper design, production and installation of necessary marketing materials in or out of stores;
- Creates and regularly renews in-store and out-of-store design instructions in accordance with Corporate Concept, conducts trainings for the store staff if necessary;
- Organization and Control of :
а) in – store radio communications;
b) in store marketing support: any special offers from suppliers, joint actions with suppliers;
c) "How to do tips" :design, print, logistic and implementation in OBI stores;
d) "product info" : Getting information from commercial dept, refreshing databases with similar information, implementation at the stores
e) Consolidates orders of marketing materials from stores, places orders and controls the process;
- Supervises of new stores opening in the part of interior and exterior design:
a) Preparation of Deco pack ( banners, navigation signs, pricing communication, deco elements according to guidelines etc.) for the new opening stores;
b) Selection of the contractor for the production of deco materials based on the results of the tender;
с) Providing the timeliness and the accuracy installation of all deco elements ;
d) Providing the timeliness in store radio installation for the new opening stores; e) Conclusion of all necessary contracts for design of the stores;
- Budgeting of in store marketing communications.
- Opened of Kitchen Studio ( OBI , St. Petersburg, OBI, Varshavskoe) : Organization and control of pre-production of communications for Kitchen studio - adaptation, production and printing of basic communications (the dome , places of designers , a selector for selecting pens and navigation inside the store fronts , placards ) ;
- Project for sales support of goods from regional building "Building with OBI "(19 stores);
- Project to support sales of climate equipment in the stores(19 stores) ;
- Implemented and realized of new scheme of in store sales support of goods from outdoor advertising;
- Were developed 2 video instructions on placement of some communications for sales support of goods from outdoor advertising;
- Implementation of new concepts (compliance standards, strengthening navigation inside the store, help with purchase) - waterproof lamps, Furniture handles and hooks, sockets and switches, Garden tools, Radiators, Water Heaters, Mirrors.
- More than 60 projects for sales support different goods were realized together with suppliers and commercial department;
- Realized in store sales support of OBI Garden and Deco Catalogues 2013;
- Prepared of Deco pack (banners, navigation signs, pricing communication, deco elements according to guidelines etc.) for 3 new opening stores in the end of 2013;
Декабрь 2012 — Май 2013
6 месяцев
Москва, www.obi.ru
Розничная торговля... Показать еще
In store marketing communications specialist
- To keep and manage In-store placards (POSM) concept. To agree and adapt in within OBI Germany/OBI international guidelines;
- To control and implement in Stores with IVDS's* the POSM standards. To support Stores with adapted concept. To collect implementation reports together with IVDS's coordinator.
- To create and to share the maximum detailed guidelines for each Department/Category.
- To keep Store's requests under control and to manage them properly.
- To perform execution of other tasks from In-store Communication Manager.
- To organize outdoor advertising in store support based on special projects according to guidelines;
The interaction with the advertising agency in the following areas :
- Preparation of briefs for the development , adaptation, advertising and information materials;
- Control of deadlines briefs ;
- Control workload of the agency ;
Archiving models produced and handed over an advertising agency ;
Interaction with contractors for the production of marketing materials for all OBI hypermarket in the following areas :
- Coordination of the timing of production and availability of marketing materials in all hypermarkets OBI ;
- Coordination of the activities of implementation of marketing communications in the shortest possible time.
* IVDS - In-store Visual Deco Specialist - report to In-store Comm. Manager and located in each OBI Store
Февраль 2012 — Октябрь 2012
9 месяцев
Россия, www.castorama.ru
Розничная торговля... Показать еще
POS specialist in new opening stores
- Preparation a marketing specification for opening stores, participate in the preparation of lease / purchase in conjunction with the Department of Real Estate and Construction Department (the facades , parking area : pylon, advertising shields , cart boxes , navigation inside the shopping malls , underground parking navigation) ;
- Organization of registration opening stores in accordance with the standards of the company:
- Internal navigation in the store design services , information desks ;
- POS design shop - control the production and distribution of materials that demonstrate to customers the possibility of product represented in the Castorama stores, making the buying process easier : price , information maps, charts , tables , «how to», displays and other types of communication materials and media ;- Execution of in-store communication of marketing and promotional programs via POSM;
- Development of design for in-store decoration (promo actions, own brands support, Credit, Local activities, range review);
- Developing, control and support POS implementation in opening stores;
- Development of the list of POS materials and equipment needed, control of production and quality, organization of delivery and placement;
- Participation in projects of assortment change in stores;
- Control in-store communication program together with POS departments in the stores;
- Interaction with Agency, Suppliers supervision, tendering and budget control.
- Opened a store in Yekaterinburg (facades , the neighborhood , the interior design of the store) -- Prepared a marketing specification , prepared and signed application to the main contract in the field of marketing material for a new project in 2013 ;
- Prepared and signed application to the main lease agreement in the field of marketing materials for the project in 2014;
- Presented and coordinated with the HR- department and COO of Castorama new scheme of recruitment and training of POS- professionals, the new scheme of interaction with POS- specialist trade departments in the store;
- Designed , implemented and approved a new package of POSM for all trading divisions that exist in the store.
Уровни владения навыками
Опыт вождения
Имеется собственный автомобиль
Права категории BОбо мне
Hyper Responsobility, Good communication skills, Good Negotiation skills, Ability to build and coordinate processes, Ability to work in a team for a common cause and to increase the income of the organization, company, business, ability to work on the result, fast learner, initiative
Высшее образование
Chelyabinsk State Univesity
Historical, political science
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
English courses
English Club, Chelyabinsk, Russia, pre-intermediate, intermediate
English courses
Edgwage Academy, London, intermediate
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Россия
Разрешение на работу: Россия
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения